Claim weekly report (7.26–8.1)
Aug 2, 2021


Current price

0.13 USDT

Latest yield of current Claim mining

Mining on official website:

Total pledge value :$ 440,199.22

Single Pool Lossless Mining

USDT 23.10%

CLAIM 56.34%

Liquidity Mining

CLAIM-USDT 353.62%

CLAIM-HOO 214.16%

Claim & PuddingSwap mining activities

Pledge epud excavation claim 174.78%

Pledge claim-usdt liquidity PUD 399.10%

Note: the cooperation with puddingswap pudding exchange has lasted for a long time. At present, the price of PUD is also relatively stable

Recent developments

1. On July 28, Claim announced that the second phase of mining will continue on HSC, and the estimated deadline is August 23, 2021.

2. Optimize the official website upgrade and correct the front-end display problem. At present, you can log in normally.

3. Optimize the on-chain pledge mining experience.

4. Stablecoin usage scenario is in phase beta.



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New generation credit stablecoin

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